Delivery of Ambulance to Barpak
On May 29, 2016, Gorkhaly Foundation delivered an ambulance to the village of Barpak responding to the urgent medical needs in Barpak, Nepal that lost its access to health care post the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.
While permanent access to health care was in the long-term goals for Barpak, ambulance served the urgent medical needs of the villagers, as well as those from surrounding communities. Gorkhaly Foundation prioritized the ambulance project after a need’s assessment and a series of discussions with the community that put access to emergency care for the sick, disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, and children at the forefront. The nearest hospital was 3-4 hours away, and patients needing care were either carried, air lifted or transported considering urgency and resources.
Funds for the ambulance was raised during the Marine Corps Marathon, where six volunteers and supporters of the foundation (Shriyam Dhakal, Pradeep Rajbhandari, Roger Johnson, Suman Silwal, Signor Rana, Shakti Regmi) ran 26.2 miles for Barpak and raised over USD 13,000. Their goal was pure and simple, give Barpak the help it needs.
The ambulance was handed over to Barpak on May 29, 2016 in a village ceremony. The ambulance was to be managed and operated by the Society of Ex-students of Barpak and Shree Barpak Bhupu Kalyankari (ex-army group from Barpak). A clear operating procedure was put in place tofurther ensure efficient and effective services to the villagers. Gorkhaly Foundation volunteers Neeraj Gorkhaly, and Saurava Pradhan handed over the ambulance in a formal ceremony in Barpak.